Hejaz Railway Museum
The Hejaz Railway Museum in Medina is a railway museum that opened in 2006.[1] It is on the grounds[2] of the restored[3] historic Ottoman railway station at Medina, locally called "Istasyun", including a stretch of the historic track and a train shed[4] with originally four tracks. There are several engines and pieces of rolling stock on display, some of which has been transported to the museum from other places along the historic Hejaz railway line. At least one engine has been restored enough to be able to drive on the museum tracks. It is along with the old train station at Mada'in Saleh one of two museums in Saudi Arabia dedicated to the Hejaz railway.
External links
- There are several pages at Nabataea.net with pictures related to Medina. Navigate to the Medina page, the Medina Station Museum page, the Medina Station page and the Medina Station Locomotives page
- A list of the eleven locomotives of the Hejaz railway that have survived including six at Medina is cited here, discussing the origin of some. Most of the information is taken from the German book “Die Hedschas-Bahn – Eine Deutsche Eisenbahn in der Wüste”, by Dieter Noll/Benno Bickel/Ahmad v. Denffer, DGEG, 1995.
- Picture gallery with pictures among others of the fully restored functional engine 105 according to the plate on this picture.